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Ferdinand Zapanta Maluntad

Ferdinand Zapanta Maluntad

Senior Manager, Accounting Technical
Email: ferdinand.maluntad@pkf.com

Professional Experience

Ferdinand started his audit and accounting experience with Deloitte, Touché & Tohmatsu in the Philippines. He was involved in financial reporting, audit and accounting technical advisory work for a number of years in Deloitte including conducting technical trainings on accounting standards.

He also worked with PricewaterhouseCoopers in Gibraltar and Ernst & Young LLP in Singapore before joining a financial institution, Coutts & Co. Ltd. (Royal Bank of Scotland) as a First-line of Defense in Risk Management. Thereafter, Ferdinand joined PKF as Manager in-charge of accounting technical, quality review and training for the firm.

Ferdinand has also been involved in lecturing in financial accounting and auditing subjects in Mapua University, St. Scholastica’s College and De La Salle University in Manila.

He is competent and passionate with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) and International Standards on Auditing (“ISA”) and United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP) and their local equivalents, i.e. Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (SFRS’s), Singapore Standards on Auditing (SSA’s) and other local regulatory guidance such as EP 100 – EP 100 Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics and EP200 - Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism - Requirements and Guidelines for Professional Accountants in Singapore, amongst others.

Back in his University days, Ferdinand is a consistent academic scholar, graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, cum laude, from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines and had passed the Philippine Licensure Examinations for Certified Public Accountants. He also holds a degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA) at Murdoch University at Kaplan Learning Institute in Singapore and an Associate Member of the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants and CPA Australia.

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