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Exploring the Advantages of Variable Capital Companies (VCCs) in Singapore

Understanding the VCC Structure and Its Unique Advantages

A Variable Capital Company (VCC) operates akin to private limited companies, with a board of directors and shareholders owning shares in the fund. Notably, VCCs offer limited liability for shareholders and directors, providing a safeguard in legal matters. However, what sets VCCs apart are their unique benefits, making them a preferred choice for investment managers:

Operational Flexibility

VCCs offer unparalleled operational flexibility across various fund strategies, investor profiles, and asset classes. Unlike traditional structures, VCCs can accommodate both open- and close-ended funds, empowering fund managers to adapt swiftly to market dynamics. This flexibility extends to dividend payments, allowing fund managers to meet their obligations efficiently.

Tax Efficiency

One of the key attractions of VCCs is their access to favorable tax treatments. Even with sub-funds, VCCs are treated as a single entity for tax purposes, simplifying taxation processes. Moreover, distributions from VCCs in Singapore are typically tax-exempt, and they may qualify for additional tax-exemption schemes, leveraging Singapore's extensive tax treaty network.

Privacy and Confidentiality

While transparency is crucial in financial matters, VCCs offer a balance by providing privacy and confidentiality for shareholders. Although financial statements are submitted to regulatory authorities, they are not made publicly available. Moreover, the list of shareholders can be kept confidential, offering an extra layer of privacy.

Regulatory Framework and Compliance Requirements for VCCs

Compliance is paramount in the financial realm, and VCCs are subject to stringent regulatory standards to promote transparency and accountability. Governed by the Variable Capital Companies Act, compliance requirements are evolving, necessitating vigilance from fund managers. Key regulatory requirements for setting up VCCs include:

  • Appointment of Singapore-resident directors and qualified MAS licensees
  • Maintenance of a registered office and engagement of local service providers
  • Implementation of anti-money laundering processes and governance mechanisms

Setting Up a VCC in Singapore: Exploring Options and Procedures

The process of setting up a VCC in Singapore offers flexibility, whether establishing a new entity or re-domiciling existing investment funds. Here's a breakdown of the steps involved:

Incorporating a New VCC

  1. Register a Name: Initiate the process by registering a VCC name via the VCC Portal.
  2. Determine VCC Type: Choose between a non-umbrella or umbrella VCC, considering the fund's structure and objectives.
  3. Appoint Key Personnel: Select VCC officers, including directors, company secretary, auditor, and fund manager.
  4. Register Office Address and Constitution: Provide a registered office address and submit a constitution detailing governance and operational aspects.
  5. Incorporate the VCC: Complete the incorporation process through the VCC Portal or via registered agents.

Re-domiciling Existing Investment Funds

  1. Eligibility Assessment: Assess whether existing funds meet criteria for re-domiciliation to a Singapore VCC.
  2. Approval from Shareholders: Obtain shareholder approval for the re-domiciliation process.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements of current jurisdiction and Singapore.
  4. Transfer of Assets and Liabilities: Transfer assets and liabilities to the newly incorporated Singapore VCC.
  5. Appointment of Local Service Providers: Engage local service providers for ongoing compliance.
  6. Re-domiciliation Application: Submit documentation to MAS for approval, considering tax implications.

Your Trusted Partner in VCC Incorporation

Navigating the complexities of VCC setup requires expertise and guidance, and PKF-CAP stands out as an experienced provider of choice. From registration, financial services and business advisory to tax planning, PKF-CAP offers comprehensive support to ensure compliance with local standards for your VCC in Singapore.

Contact PKF-CAP today to embark on your VCC journey and unlock the full potential of Singapore's thriving financial ecosystem.