Business Valuation
Valuation of businesses, intangible assets, financial instruments etc involves a process of determining how much the business, intangible assets or financial instruments are worth. It is a complex process that considers a variety of factors, including but not limited to the company's businesses, financial performance, financial position, expected future financial performance, business environment, industry outlook etc.
There are many reasons why management and business owners might want to get their businesses valued. Some of the most common reasons include:
- Shareholders or partnership disputes
- Merger and acquisitions
- Financial reporting purposes
- Funding requirements
- Litigation support
- Exit strategy planning
- Estate planning
- Marital dissolution
- Taxation purposes
- Employee share options valuation
The benefits of getting a proper valuation can be significant. A valuation undertaken by a qualified valuation practitioner with the appropriate credentials will enable you and other stakeholders to make better and more informed decisions regarding your plans for your business. 3 Common valuation approaches include the income approach, market approach and cost approach. At PKF, our valuations are performed in accordance with the International Valuation Standards and our principal valuers are Chartered Valuers and Appraiser holders.
If you are keen to know more about PKF valuation services, kindly contact:
Mr. Jimmy Lim
Partner, Financial Advisory Services